Resident creativity leads to Timeless Journeys performance
What, exactly, are S&H Green Stamps?
One of the earliest customer loyalty programs is one of many unexpected things learned by UNI students in a Devised Theatre course as they met with Windhaven and Thalman Square residents. Students gained knowledge from the trivial to the sublime during the gatherings.
Over five weeks, the students shared photos from the Fortepan Iowa archives and asked residents to make up stories about what was happening in the pictures.
“As we talked about photos, residents shared their own stories about the love of their lives or of mischief, like stealing a cookie from the pantry,” a student recounted. “They breathed life into the photographs.”
Other times, they got downright silly. “The interviewing process was a riot to listen to,” said one student. “Residents would say something outrageous and then ask whether we wrote that down.”
The result of their time together was a performance shared in May at three venues, including Diamond Event Center. It went beyond what the class had originally envisioned.
The students told how the stories they heard from residents were occasionally filled with emotion and even a few tears. Resident vulnerability helped students let their guards down.
One student mentioned her previous fear of getting older. During her time with residents, she found there is wisdom with age and new friendships. “Residents lived through a lot and still ended up alright and if they did it, we can, too.”
They tucked away bits of advice given by the residents, such as, “Take your time in life. Everyone today is in a rush.”
The class came away with deep appreciation for what they’d learned and made sure to tell residents of their importance to others. “At first we thought, how nice of us to visit these residents,” admitted a student. “But we’re the lucky ones.”
A documentary video of Timeless Journeys is being produced with support from Humanities Iowa. We’ll announce in The Journal when and where screenings will be held.